Areco’s charms on a rainy day

Areco’s charms on a rainy day

Areco’s charms: Rainy day, a chilly wind starts blowing  provides a welcome relief after a grueling week. Dark clouds cover sky, the day  almost becomes night; then some timid drops begin to drop. The temperature continues to fall, and it is a pleasure to open...
Kings of Spain in Areco’s town

Kings of Spain in Areco’s town

DISTINGUISHED VISITOR: THE KINGS OF SPAIN in Areco’s town In the late 1970s, they arrived on an official visit to our country: Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia of Spain. One of the stops was San Antonio de Areco. On that afternoon of pure barbecue, music and dance;...
A day in Areco’s town

A day in Areco’s town

TO MAKE A DAY IN ARECO’S TOWN Visit the business of “Maggio”, is also visiting another era. Smells unknown, but family. Colors skated with dust. The wooden floor sometimes complains. Things you’ll never use, but we would like to have …...
Areco’s Art on gauchos

Areco’s Art on gauchos

Areco’s Art: MIGUELANGEL GASPARINI, EL PINTOR DEL PUEBLO. Todas la mañanas después de unos mates se va al colegio para darle clases de arte a los chicos. Allí, les enseña la técnica y cuenta historias de nuestro pueblo o de algún lugar remoto. Por la tarde...
About a gaucho comic strip

About a gaucho comic strip

About the gaucho comic strip:DISTINGUISHED VISITOR: INODORO PEREYRA Fontanarrosa as the author of the”stainless” Inodoro Pereyra, could not be indifferent to San Antonio de Areco. In his bullet under the title of “The Sorcerer Roani”, he...